Microsoft Defender firewall can prevent unauthorize access and traffic from malicious applications or hackers to the PC.
Usually Home PC’s has a free Antivirus that can’t prevent advanced malicious applications. It’s recommended to have turn on Microsoft Defender Firewall.
It’s very easy to Turn on Windows Firewall without need to be an IT guy.
For those that they have already turn on Windows Firewall and they want to turn off for a specific reason they can read my previous article How to Disable or Turn Off Windows Firewall .
So let’s explain the difference ways to we can use to Turn on Windows Defender Firewall!!
How to turn On Windows Defender Firewall form Windows Security App
Let’s see how can turn it off from Windows Security App. This is the moder way that can use it only from the Windows 10 and above.
- Click Start and Settings
- Click on Update & Security

- From the left side select Windows Security
- Select Firewall & Network protection.

- If you have a Home PC then you will see the Private and Public Profile.
- For Devices that are connected to a company network it will has the Domain Profile as well.
- Click Restore Settings to turn on all the Profile or select any of the Profiles to Turn on the Windows Firewall.
- However the recommended is to Turn on all the Profiles of Windows Firewall.

That’s it !! Very easy without complexity.
How to Turn on Windows Defender Firewall from from Windows Defender Firewall Control Panel
This is the classic way that most if the times I use.
- Click Start, type control panel and click on it.
- If the View by is in Small Icons click on Windows Defender Firewall
- If the View is by Category click on System and Security

- Click Windows Defender Firewall

- From the left side click Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off

- For the Home Users click on Turn on Windows Firewall in Private and Public network settings.
- For the users that work in a company and belongs to a Domain you will see the Domain network Settings.
- Usually in company the Windows Defender Firewall managed by your system administrator.
- However, if it’s not managed you can check the Turn on Windows Defender Firewall for the Domain network settings as well.

How to Turn On Microsoft Defender Firewall from PowerShell
If you are advance user, and you like to learn new things in the computer world you can use the PowerShell command to turn on Windows Defender Firewall.
It’s one line command and you will avoid so many clicks.
- Open the PowerShell as Administrator
- Type the following command to turn on the Windows Defender Firewall for all the Profiles
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Enabled True - Use the Get-NetFirewallProfile | select name, Enabled to see the Windows Defender Firewall status.

- If you want to enable the Windows Defender Firewall for a specific profile like the Private type
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Name Private -Enabled True - Use the Get-NetFirewallProfile | select name,Enabled to see the Windows Defender Firewall status.

That’s it!!
How to Turn On Microsoft Defender Firewall from Command prompt
Another one way you can use to turn on the Windows Defender Firewall is from old school command prompt.
Yes, you can use command prompt to turn on Windows Defender Firewall.
- Open the command prompt as administrator
- Type the following command to enable the windows defender firewall for all the Profile
netsh.exe advfirewall set allprofiles state on

- Or type the following command to enable the Windows Defender Firewall for a specific Profile
netsh.exe advfirewall set publicprofile state on

However netsh commands is deprecated.
There are different ways to enable the Windows Defender Firewall. Another from GUO and other from command.
All the methods are very easy for a home user as well. Windows Defender Firewall it’s a free solution that can protect you from various attacks.
Home Users they shouldn’t avoid to turn on the Windows Defender Firewall because it has improved a lot compare it with the Windows Firewall in Windows XP or Vista.